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- Admissions
- Vision, Curriculum Intent and Values
- Welcome
- School Inspection Reports
- School Performance Data
- Policies
- Curriculum
- PE Funding
- Pupil Premium Funding
- Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
- British Values
- Safeguarding
- Catch Up Funding - Covid 19
- Covid 19
- Copy of: Resources During School Closure
- Wellbeing
- Assessment
We aim to ensure:
- That children access a broad and balanced curriculum that gives them the broad range of knowledge and skills needed for good progress through school and life
- Quality and consistency in teaching and learning so that every child makes good progress and no child gets left behind
- A close working partnership between staff and parents and/or carers
- Every child is included and supported through equality of opportunity and anti-discriminatory practice
Our early years setting follows the curriculum as outlined in the latest version of the EYFS statutory framework that applies from September 2021.
The EYFS framework includes 7 areas of learning and development that are equally important and inter-connected. However, 3 areas known as the prime areas are seen as particularly important for igniting curiosity and enthusiasm for learning, and for building children’s capacity to learn, form relationships and thrive.
The 3 prime areas are:
- Communication and language
- Physical development
- Personal, social and emotional development
The prime areas are strengthened and applied through 4 specific areas:
- Literacy
- Mathematics
- Understanding the world
- Expressive arts and design