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The ability to read is a life-long gift. At Sholden Church of England Primary School, our aim is to encourage children to gain interest, pleasure and enjoyment from reading which will stay with them into adulthood. We want to provide opportunities for the children to discuss their reading, enthuse and learn from one another, so that they are able to both, develop and share their opinions and understanding about the texts they have read. The children will gain the skills and strategies they need to develop into a competent and fluent reader by developing both their comprehension and decoding skills. We aim to create a range of opportunities for children to share their love of reading with others, including children from other age groups. Being a confident reader is of crucial importance in supporting children to become confident independent learners across all areas of the curriculum.
Our intent is to:
*To ensure all children are fluent readers by the end of Key Stage 1 (see Phonics and Early Reading policy).
*To provide a rich and stimulating reading environment where children have access to a wide range of fiction, non-fiction, poetry and digital literacy. This will include content from a diverse range of authors and creators, promoting acceptance and appreciation of the differences of ourselves and of others.
*To immerse children in high quality texts that provide challenge and a wide range of rich vocabulary that can in turn be applied into their writing.
*To ensure reading is embedded within meaningful contexts across a range of subjects.
*To ensure robust assessment of reading is carried out through both summative and formative data, where teachers can use moderation to secure judgements.
Reading VIPERS Question Stems KS1
Reading VIPERS Question Stems KS2
Favourite Five Overview EYFS & KS1
Year 3 and 4 reading and writing limericks: Click here to see Silly Millie
- Click here to see Mason Click here to see Josie
- Click here to see Finlay Click here to see Sammy
- Click here to see Georgia Click here to see Ziva
- Click here to see Edith Click here to see Stanley
World Book Day Competition March 2024
Reading for pleasure: Summer Reading Challenge 2023
At Sholden CE Primary School, we understand the importance of developing children’s understanding and use of written language so they are effective communicators who can confidently share thoughts, ideas and emotions to others. We intend for our children to be able to effectively write a range of non-fiction and fictional texts across the curriculum providing opportunities for children to write for a purpose and to see themselves as authors.
Our aim is to encourage children to gain pleasure and enjoyment from writing which will stay with them into adulthood. We understand how children need to develop a variety of skills including transcription, composition, with the subsequent understanding of effect on the reader, and spelling, punctuation and grammar. We aim to equip all children with these skills at a high standard by the end of their time at Sholden CE Primary School. Children should be able to apply their writing skills across the curriculum, writing for a range of engaging purposes. Being a confident writer is of crucial importance in supporting children to become confident independent learners across all subjects who can effectively communicate their knowledge and understanding. These skills are vital for the journey into secondary school and into later life.
Progression in Narrative Texts
Progression in Non-fiction Texts
Writing Examples
Writing Examples