Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

We follow the Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice (1st September 2014). Please find below our SEND Policy and SEND Information Report:

If you require any further information please click on any of the links below:

SEND Code of Practice

DfE SEND Code of Practice, Parent guide

KCC Local Offer

Kent Inclusion Statement

Mainstream Core Standards:

Special Educational Needs Mainstream Core Standards

A guide for parents 

MCS Family Training


SEND Support for parents:

Information Advice and Support Kent (IASK)
HELPLINE: 03000 41 3000 
Office: 03000 412412


Speech and Language

Our school works to support speech, language and communication with support from our NHS link speech & language therapist, as well as specialist teachers. Your child may come into contact with specialist teachers within their classroom or around school. The SENCo will have regular meetings with therapists and specialist teachers to discuss our school’s provision.

If you have any concerns about your child’s speech, language or communication skills, please speak to your child’s class teacher in the first instance.

If we have discussed a specific concern with you about your child’s speech, language or communication, or you have raised a concern, we will decide together whether to discuss this with our link therapist. You will be kept informed of any plans to support your child.

For more information regarding The Balanced System, please see the link below:



Some useful websites for parents to support Speech and Language:



Additional Useful SEND Websites:
MindEd is a free educational resource on children, young people, adults and older people's mental health. 
National Autistic Society - offers lots of practical advice and support for parents and carers.
Young Minds - Practical advice for helping parents and carers whose child has a diagnosis or thinks they might have ADHD. 


For SEND queries please contact the school SENCO on: Senco@sholdenprimary.org.uk