School Times

September 2022



Gate opens at 8:35am

Gates close at 8.45am


Collective Worship 8:50-9:10am


First session starts at 8.45 am

Break time at 10:30 KS1

Break time at 10:45 KS2


Second session starts at 10:45/11am

Lunch starts at 12 midday


Afternoon Sessions start at 1pm



Gates open at 3:15pm

School finishes at 3:15pm


Gates close at 3:30pm

 Compulsory school opening time is between 8:45am and 3:15pm Monday-Friday.

Total hours per week = 32.5 hours

Wrap Around Child Care 

Breakfast Club

Breakfast Club is open from 8am – 8:35am for any pupil needing to come to school prior to the gates being opened. The cost of the club is £3 which includes breakfast.

There is a £1 charge for an early drop off option between 8:25am and 8:35am

Bagels are available for all pupils at the start of the day.


Throughout the year there are many After School Activity Clubs which run, eg Football, Art, Dance: these usually start straight after school and finish at around 4:15pm. You can book an after school club activity via the school office.


After School Club is available:

3:15pm-4:00pm  costing £4

3:15pm – 5:00pm costing £7 (including a drink and a snack) 

A drink and a light snack will be provided from 4pm for those children who are staying later. The club will finish at 5:00pm.


To book a place at Breakfast Club or After School Club email:

or Telephone the school office: 01304374852