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- School Uniform
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School Uniform
We encourage all our children to take a pride in their school and in their personal appearance. Consequently, with the support of parents, staff, governors and the children themselves, all children are encouraged to wear school uniform. The benefits of this, both to the children and to Sholden, are many and we would ask for your full co-operation and support in seeing that all Sholden pupils are correctly dressed for their learning.
Our School Uniform is as follows: | Our School PE Kit is as follows: |
A Sholden school logo fleece is available to wear as a jacket – this is optional |
Plain navy tracksuit (no logos, no leggings)
Sholden school logo sweatshirt or cardigan or blue jumper |
House Coloured T-Shrt: Sholden School logo polo t-shirts (new) Sholden School logo plain round neck t-shirt or a plain house colour t-shirt |
Plain white shirt (long or short sleeved) or a plain white polo shirt | Plain navy shorts |
Grey or black trousers or tailored shorts (not sports or leisure) | Plain navy sweatshirt or hooded top (no logos) |
Grey or black skirt or pinafore |
Plain white, grey or black socks to be changed into if wearing tights. |
Blue and white gingham dress - summertime | Black plimsolls |
Plain grey, black or white socks Plain grey or black tights. |
Plain Black Waterproof Trainers for outdoor PE in year 1 and above (no fluorescent colours) |
Flat black shoes (not trainers or boots) | NO jewellery may be worn except small, plain stud earrings. All earrings should be removed before PE unless piercings are less than 6 weeks old, then earrings should be covered in tape before PE. |
Hair fastenings should be discrete and in keeping with school uniform colours (Blue). | Make up including nail varnish should not be worn. |
Children need to have a waterproof/weather appropriate coat in school everyday. |
Please ensure that all items of clothing are clearly named. |
All uniform, including items with the school logos, can be purchased from our online suppliers:
Uniform Provider : The Schoolwear Center.
- Follow the link above which will take you directly to Sholden’s website.
- Browse the range and buy your uniform.
- Enter your delivery details and await your delivery (either directly to yourselves with a charge, or to Sholden School free of charge)
- Register your details or log into your account to view your order status and history.
Alternative suppliers of school uniform can be used including supermarkets and other retailers where prices are competitive. The FOSS organise uniform sales and hand-me-downs are encouraged.