
Prayer is a daily part of school life - children say Grace and a prayer at the end of each day, alongside the prayers which are said on a daily basis in school worship. We believe in the importance of prayer and a continued dialogue with God. Once a year we hold a prayer workshop in which children explore the power of prayer and faith.

Each week pupils are asked to spend time writing prayers for our weekly worship. Samples of which we will be putting below. 

In the school grounds we have just built a willow spiritual garden which we hope will be a  place for all members of the school community to come and reflect and pray.

 Dear Father God,

Thank you for our school family.
Thank you for everyone who is part of our school.
Help us to learn, share and play together,
Help us to care for other people,
Help us to look after your world,
Help us to love one another,
Just as you love all of us.
Prayer Day October 2023

Prayer Day October 2023