

In Science, we aim to stimulate children’s curiosity and wonder about the world around them. We encourage children to ask questions and appreciate the personal, national and global impact of science. Our expectation is that all pupils will be supported to reach their full potential through engaging, hands-on opportunities to explore science in a way that relates to their real-world experiences. We will further engage pupils through whole school initiatives, such as National Science Week, and STEM projects where children will be able to see careers for their future that require scientific knowledge and understanding. Scientific understanding and skills allow for wider curriculum skills, such as Maths (e.g. collecting and presenting data) and Design Technology (e.g. use of mechanisms) to be embedded. These opportunities enable children to make connections which deepen their subject knowledge, as well as their understanding of how subjects relate to each other in the wider world.



Herons Class - Electricity


We use the Kent Science Scheme to determine which science themes are taught each year, allowing for a continuous progression of skills from the EYFS to year 6. Children are taught the key strands of physics, chemistry and biology, giving them the foundations for their secondary school science education. There is a clear progression to both the subject specific knowledge children gain and also the scientific skills they will learn.

Teaching specialist vocabulary is a fundamental part of our science curriculum. Terminology is taught and built up over time as they progress through the curriculum. Children are challenged to apply their use of this vocabulary in written work, where expectations match those of the English curriculum. Also orally, in order to articulate their understanding of scientific concepts and through the use of effective questioning to communicate ideas. Pupils are encouraged to recognise the power of rational explanation using this vocabulary whilst developing a sense of excitement and curiosity about natural phenomena.


Curriculum Map 

Progression of Skills

Knowledge Progression

Scientific Vocabulary Progression




STEM Electric Motors


Kingfishers visit Howlett's Zoo


Kingfishers visited Howlett's Wild Animal Park as part of their Science unit abut Living Things and Their Habitats. They explored the park's range of animal enclosures including the gorillas, tigers and even elephants! As they went, they learnt about why these animals are being protected by zoos like Howlett's and what humans have done to endanger some of the species. They loved playing in the play area at lunch time and pretending to be cheeky monkeys! To end their day, they had a school talk from one of the zoo keepers about habitats and animal adaptations. What a howling-ly good day they had!'